The Leprechaun’s Curse


The Leprechaun’s Curse

by Jane Greenhill

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Elmville, a mischievous leprechaun, is desperate to retrieve his long-lost gold coin. Without it, the delicate balance between good and evil within him becomes skewed. But the elusive coin has fallen into the hands of the Tobin family, and Elmville will stop at nothing to get it back. Through the centuries, he’s relentlessly haunted the Tobin’s descendants, leaving a wake of destruction and death in his path. Meanwhile, Kitty and her mother, Annie, arrive in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, modern-day tourists with their own emotional baggage. Neither has a clue about the curse, nor do they believe in leprechauns. After centuries of searching, Elmville’s desperation has reached a fever pitch as he grows even closer to his ultimate goal. Dun Laoghaire is filled with Tobins. Will Kitty and Annie and their newfound Tobin friends survive Elmville’s wrath, or will his nefarious ways threaten to claim yet another victim?