The Last Road Trip


The Last Road Trip


by Megan Zalkan

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“Dear Em, The world is ending in eight short weeks, and I can’t decide which I’m more afraid of—dying when the comet hits, or never getting to apologize for ruining your life.” All 16-year-old Lou wants is to fit in, get her drivers’ license, maybe kiss someone. Be normal. These goals vanish when a huge comet appears, hurtling towards Earth—it’s a planet killer. Now she’s only focused on one thing: to find and reconcile with her missing older brother, Emmett, who her parents threw out years ago for being gay. With only eight weeks left, Lou discovers a stack of hidden letters from Emmett, who now lives in Oregon. But her investigation is side-tracked when an intergalactic imp accidentally possesses her pet goose, Bazooka. Even though he can’t save humanity, Bazooka urges Lou to take him along as she plans to leave the farm. He’s obviously hiding something big, but Lou needs any help she can get. With time ticking down, Lou and Bazooka steal a scooter and desperately race from Iowa to the West Coast to find Emmett, and resolve their guilt before the world explodes.

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