Shiftless In Sheboygan


Shiftless In Sheboygan

by Zanna Archer

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Unlike other shape-shifters, Steffi Anbruzzen can take any biological shape. When she loses this ability, the Organization to Assist, Support, and Inform Shape-shifters (OASIS) seizes the opportunity to eliminate her fearsome power by appointing a sexy Canadian werewolf ostensibly to help her, but really to distract her until her window for recovery closes. The more Sawyer Montaigne comes to know Steffi, the more he desires her and wants to support her. A reformed playboy, he must mate with a female werewolf or be ostracized by the Montaigne pack. Having already lost her ability to shift, will Steffi now lose her heart to someone who has sworn to betray her, or will Sawyer’s attraction to Steffi extinguish his loyalty to OASIS and his pack?

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