Rise Like a Phoenix


Rise Like a Phoenix

by Tammy Lowe

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When Elisabeth London travels back in time to the 14th century, she is transported to a world straight out of the pages of a fairy-tale. Swept away by the adventure and romance, Elisabeth follows her heart—and Aquarius—into this whole new world. But Elisabeth soon learns her father has discovered where (or rather when) she is. He’s sent a bounty-hunter to bring her home. Although a million questions buzz through her mind, there’s one thing she’s certain of—her parents will never let her hang out in the 14th century with a guy she met in Ancient Rome. With her heart at stake, can Elisabeth avoid the bounty-hunter and find a way to stay in this fairy-tale world? Or is her love-life about to take a rather grim twist? Find out in Elisabeth London’s timeless story of love, danger, and adventure.

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