Just a Fling


Just a Fling

by Katherine Grace

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Law student Dawn Mathison’s steamy summer romance with solar developer Callan Marlowe is just a fling…until it isn’t. Swept off her feet—and into lots of different positions—by the sexy Brit, Dawn believes Callan is The One…right until he dumps her. But that was last summer. Now, she is living her dream and couldn’t care less about Callan. Not one bit. Truly. Callan left Dawn broken-hearted, confused, and pissed-off. But, dammit, he doesn’t do serious relationships. Not after his past. It doesn’t matter anyway because he’ll never see Dawn again. Which is for the best. Really. When a twist of fate brings Callan back into Dawn’s life—and into her office—their sizzling attraction reignites. Maybe this time around, they won’t get too serious. But fate has a sense of humor. Because Callan thinks Dawn is The One who can help him. And maybe turn their hot affair into something more?

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