Highlander Untamed


Highlander Untamed


by Cynthia Breeding

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A newly-minted university instructor, Vi Sutherland is thrilled to visit Scotland on Hogmanay and begin her research project on 18th-century weaponry. She never thought she’d actually end up in the 18th century. But when she brushed the hilt of a sword held by the braw Highlander she’d just met, the world went misty-white… Robbie Farquharson doesn’t know what to make of the feisty redhead whose temper matches her hair. Since she appears lost, he takes her to his cousin, the only female colonel in the Jacobite army. Much to his amazement, they begin to plot Bonnie Prince Charlie’s military strategy together. But who is this strange lady? And how does she know what the English army plans to do?

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