A Bandit’s Request


A Bandit’s Request

by Micki Miller

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He’d been caught with a woman in his arms. In the woman’s bedchambers. By the woman’s furious husband. The Viscount, Lord Andrew Worthington, stands on the wrong side of a pistol. Drew’s problem had always been his deep adoration for women, in all their varieties. It was just a matter of time before he found himself in deep trouble. Being murdered in cold blood, however, went beyond his worst imaginings. But moments before certain death, he is rescued by the scourge of London’s elite, the infamous Creeping Bandit. Lady Dove Barrow could have cursed the rake straight to Hades. But even though he’s spoiled her night’s mission, even though he no doubt deserves it, and even though she will be risking her own neck, Dove cannot abide murder. As repayment for her good deed, Drew vows to help her with her mission. Little does he know how far it will take them.

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