The Secret of the Solstice Cakes

The Secret of the Solstice Cakes


by Laura Strickland

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Omens are not good at the end of AD 59 for the Dumnonii tribe in southern Britannia. There’s war in the east, and the harvest has failed again. To improve the outlook, widower Chief Allaed agrees to remarry, to the first woman of the tribe to bring him a sprig of the holy mistletoe on Solstice morning. Catti, daughter of the high druid, has long admired Allaed from afar. Mistletoe being scarce this year, she plans a clever substitution. But when her father finds a measure of mistletoe, Catti’s favored sister demands it, determined to be first to Allaed’s door. Can a secret kept between two hearts endure, and save their very way of life?

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