The Consequences


The Consequences


by Avis M. Adams

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Olivia Jensen survived the Novel Hepatitis A Virus that devastated her community but is grief-stricken when she learns that her entire family has died. She ventures into the post-apocalyptic world left by storms and disease, searching for solitude to grieve and come to terms with her emotions. Unfortunately, Brian, the boy who has had a crush on her since the second grade, offers his help out of concern for her health. Is he hoping a relationship will blossom? Fat chance. Olivia, still weak from her recovery, must accept Brian’s help to get to the stables and check on her horse. When she is given a chance to help a little girl who will die without medicine, she joins forces with Brian. Together they travel on horseback through snowstorms to a mountain town in search of a doctor who has developed medicine. In a world with no existing infrastructure, Olivia’s community relies on her success. Can they find the doctor and bring her back with them before they freeze in the blizzards?

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