Always Yellow Roses


Always Yellow Roses

by Lynn Shurr

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A grave sin is committed in the early nineteenth century, the root of a feud between the Courville and Niles families. When Esperanza Niles calls off her secret engagement to Rufus Courville, more fuel is added to the fire of hatred with tragic results. Over one-hundred years later, young Noreen Courville is plagued by dreams of her family’s past. When she is pushed into the arms of cowboy, Rusty Niles, at a party, she thinks she understands the meaning of those dreams. She and Rusty are the reincarnated lovers, Espy and Rufe, destined to end the feud with their marriage. Rusty is not too sure about that but knows he loves Noreen. Hatred still flares between the two families and only a miracle will prevent another tragedy whether Noreen and Rusty are reincarnated souls are not. Can they end the feud? Only time will tell.

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