Be Still My Lover’s Heart


Be Still My Lover’s Heart

by Lisa Hannah Wells

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Ethereal beauty Shea, a Lieutenant in a Universal military, has spent the last four years protecting Colony supply freighters on a small space station. If not for her partner and the hopes of a better assignment, the loss of her husband and a devastating illness would leave her little desire to live. That is until she meets Tempest, an alien whose species is rumored to be the origin of the vampires. A man who makes her feel alive in ways she’s never felt before. Tempest has prayed to the Divine One for countless years for his bondmate. Shea is his long-awaited answer and so much more. One night will not be enough for a man who has waited a lifetime, but he is determined to make Shea his forever. With a madman out to destroy them and certain death nipping at their heels, will Tempest and Shea outwit Remi and survive to share a future together, or die protecting all they hold dear?

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