When We Were Flowers


When We Were Flowers

by Catori Sarmiento

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In 2011, Tara Larson was told that her English teaching contract would not be renewed. Taking a chance, she packed herself up and moved from her small-town Minot, North Dakota, to be an Assistant Language Teacher in Tokyo, Japan for a year. Having barely traveled outside her home state, Tara navigates her way through the Land of the Rising Sun and by chance meets Ami Kishiguchi. The two immediately share an inexorable bond. However, disaster strikes. First the Tohoku earthquake and nuclear disaster. Then the floods back home in Minot. And most jarringly, Tara must come to terms with the death of one of her students. Filled with doubts and anxiety, Tara must decide if she will continue the adventure in Japan—and her relationship with Ami—or leave for the safety and comfort of home.

Additional information

Weight 0.6336 lbs